Other Ways To Give
As well as direct donations, there are many other ways in which you can support our work. These include giving in celebration by asking others to donate in lieu of gifts on a special occasion, giving in memory of a loved one and legacy donations.

Other Ways To Give
As well as direct donations, there are many other ways in which you can support our work. These include giving in celebration by asking others to donate in lieu of gifts on a special occasion, giving in memory of a loved one, legacy donations, and donation schemes through online partners such as Give As You Live, Everyclick and Recycle 4 Charity.
Give in Celebration
Whatever event you are celebrating, asking friends, family or guests to contribute a small donation to the Bhopal Medical Appeal is a great way of showing your support for the charity and those suffering in Bhopal.
In lieu of gifts from a birthday you could ask your friends and family to make donations to the Bhopal Medical Appeal. We have even had people donate to us in lieu of anniversary and wedding presents.

How to give in Celebration
You can set up a JustGiving page for your celebration and ask friends and family to make a donation rather than buying you gifts.
Or if you are planning on making a donation to us on behalf of someone else for their birthday, let us know and we can send the recipient a thank you card with our birthday wishes.
If you would like to find out more about fundraising on your special day, please do contact us. We would love to chat to you and are more than happy to provide you with information and materials for you to distribute to those you are celebrating with.
Giving In Memory of a Loved One
If you have lost a loved-one and wish to honour their memory with a collection or donation to help support our work in Bhopal then please do get in touch.
We appreciate how tricky a time this can be and would like to relieve you of a little work by helping you set up a fundraising page to which friends and relatives can make a donation.
We also offer further support such as the sending of complimentary cards to thank all those showing their friendship and love with a gift to us. Please contact us for more details.
Alternatively, you can make a donation directly to the Bhopal Medical Appeal.

Legacy Gifts
When you are making a Will, please consider leaving a gift to The Bhopal Medical Appeal. Leaving a legacy gift as a part of a Will is easier than you may think and, as legacies to charities are tax free, can reduce the tax payable on your estate, as well as being one of the best ways you can help sustain our work in Bhopal.
In fact, though we consider all gifts we receive to be equally precious, legacies are a particular blessing: they weave a skein of gold through our work, allowing us the security to innovate and grow our provision of care for the next generations of Union Carbide’s victims in Bhopal.
How to include Bhopal Medical Appeal in your Will
You should ideally consult a solicitor if you intend to make or change your Will. This ensures that it is legally correct and will stand up in law. If you already have a Will, you can ask your solicitor to add an amendment called a Codicil.
There are three different types of legacy:
- Pecuniary Legacy: a gift of a fixed amount of money
- Specific Legacy: a gift of an object such as piece of jewellery or art, or property
- Residuary Legacy: a gift of the whole or a percentage of what is left of your estate after all other bequests and expenses have been paid for.
Thank you for helping continue the incredible work of the clinics in Bhopal; the need of the people there is ongoing, as is our commitment to their future.
If you have any questions regarding leaving a legacy gift to the Bhopal Medical Appeal, please contact us.

Donation Schemes
There are plenty of other easy ways that you can help us raise funds for our work in Bhopal with very little effort. We are signed up to several schemes that give you the option to automatically donate to us, at no cost to yourself, whether you are shopping online, browsing the web or recycling your empty printer cartridges or mobile phones.
See below for more info or contact us here to find out more.
If you would like to join any of these schemes and need help setting it up then please just get in touch and we’ll guide you through.

Shopping With Give As You Live
With Give As You Live you make a donation when you shop online. Give as you Live works with over 4,000 stores that have signed up to donate a commission on every online purchase. This commission is already included in the price of what you’re buying, so you can make a donation, at no extra cost to you.
Find out more at Give As You Live

Web Searches Using Everyclick
You can raise money for the Bhopal Medical Appeal just by doing web searches through the ‘Everyclick’ website. Every search you make, through Everyclick, raises us a small amount of money and it doesn’t cost you, or us, a thing.
Everyclick uses a Yahoo search engine, giving an excellent browsing experience, and offers simple tools to help keep you using it.
Add Everyclick to your favourites and it’ll be easier to find next time you want to search the web. Or you can make it your homepage by clicking on the link in the top right-hand corner of the Everyclick site. Please spread the word to your friends and family as the more searches we all make, the more money we raise for those still suffering in Bhopal.

Recycle 4 Charity
Recycle 4 Charity collect and sell ink jet printer cartridges and mobile phones for the recycling market whilst at the same time donating their value to the donor’s chosen charity.
You can either post your used cartridges directly to Recycle 4 Charity in a pre-paid envelope or you can send them to us to collect and send in bulk.
Find out more at Recycle 4 Charity