‘Unite’ is Britain’s biggest trade union with 1.42 million members. It operates as a democratic union campaigning for equality. Unite Community Southampton Area marked its first birthday with a celebration of activism on Sat 23rd July. ‘LEFTFEST’ was a free celebration of the trades union movement, the political left and progressive activism with inspirational speakers, discussion, live bands, food, poetry, and more.
Kate Smurthwaite, nationally acclaimed left-wing, feminist comedian headed the line-up. A writer for ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised’ and ‘Have I Got News for You’, Kate had Shirley’s community hall in fits of laughter. Various left and progressive groups were featured at LEFTFEST, including the Bhopal Medical Appeal, with represented by supporter Dominique Hudson.
Dominique shared pamphlets and other literature published by BMA along with her own wisdom and insight on the overall Bhopal Disaster story. In addition, Dominique raised funds for us with donations, merchandise, and by selling a range of delicious looking cakes all baked with kindness by Dominique and her friends.
Dominique’s experience reflected some of our own, when explaining that Bhopal is not the story of a terrible disaster from many years ago but is a terrible, ongoing tragedy and said: “People’s reactions were quite interesting. Some thought it was all settled and all in the past by now. Quite a few had never heard about it! One lady in particular was very upset after reading one of the leaflets and said she was going to speak about it to her son and her daughter and everybody around her.”
We are extremely grateful for Dominique’s hard work, not only with spreading the story of Bhopal, but also in supporting our charity. Grass roots activism is a real part of what keeps our appeal alive and we welcome enquiries from individual friends, and supporting organisations, with any suggestions or ideas of supporting initiatives.