The Bhopal Medical Appeal is very excited to announce a new partnership with Action Scoli’daire a French non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization that promotes solidarity action for kids through educational initiatives. For 12 years they have engaged Secondary School students in France in an annual and nation-wide Maths and Science competition.
Over 80,000 students participating in the competition—which will take place in January 2013—have the choice to make a small contribution to a selected charity. Each year a different charity dedicated to helping underprivileged children is selected to be the recipient of the student’s contribution. This year Action Scoli’daire has chosen the Bhopal Medical Appeal and Chingari Trust!

In previous years, Action Scoli’daire has made significant contributions, of up to €50,000 and recipients have ranged from Médecins Sans Frontières to UNICEF to Handicap International.

The funds raised will have a significant impact on Chingari Trust and the hundreds of children receiving care and treatment at the Rehabilitation Centre. This is not only a fantastic fundraising initiative but this event will be an opportunity to educate students on a large-scale about the 1984 Union Carbide Gas Disaster, ongoing issues related to water contamination and the inspirational community-based work taking place in Bhopal today.