Turn Around project for the Arts (TAP) visited Bhopal back in December 2011 as part of a pilot programme and the team enjoyed it so much that they plan to return to the Sambhavna Clinic in Bhopal on an annual basis. The 2012 India Winter Arts Programme took place in Bhopal from the 10th-28th December and was a great success!

TAP is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to create and maintain integrated arts projects, which promote reciprocal exchange in order to impact and strengthen communities. The group was created from students and staff at Brock University in Canada who wanted to create a culture exchange with young people around the world.

Each morning, the team were able to offer multiple arts programs including: visual art, dramatic arts, photography, dance, creative writing and videography. Over 70 people participated each day for their 2 hour workshops. The afternoons were designated to Leadership Workshops which were offered to 14 participants over 14 years of age. The team spent their final days coordinating a visioning session, where participants stated how they would like to see the program run the future.

Bhopal is an important cause for TAP who have been donating to the Sambhavna Clinic for a number of years. They decided to visit because “as pure believers of the power of the arts, we knew that the survivors of the gas leak would find value in art.” The team were able to make some very honest and genuine connections with participants of the program, clinic staff and locals.

TAP is looking for artists of all kind to join the team in India! The Winter Arts Program will take place in December 2013. Email TAP at [email protected] for more details and an application form.
You can find out more about Turn Around project for the Arts here
You can see the complete series of photos here