A scorching hot weekend at the end of June saw thousands of revellers searching for any shade they could find at the Glastonbury Festival. Think then of BMA’s volunteer litter pickers who were doing a full shift each morning!
Fortunately for our volunteers, their shifts start very early and they miss much of the day’s heat, but the work is still hard and requires real dedication. This year, we had more litter pickers than ever, with a team of around 130, and this has become an important fundraiser for the BMA.
Our thanks go to BMA Patron, Michael Eavis, along with Fiona Case, a long-time BMA supporter and a Glastonbury Festivals litter picking teams co-ordinator, and to all of our hard-working volunteers.

Competition for Glastonbury litter picking places is always very fierce but, if you’d like to be considered for 2020, then please contact: [email protected]
Fiona Case and her fundraising