Breathe Fire is a project conceived, and written, for the Bhopal Medical Appeal. Its aim is to spread awareness of the ongoing disaster in Bhopal and, ultimately, to help shame those in positions of power into acting to put right.

This version of the song and features the fabulous, soul vocal of Matt Henry. Matt previously recorded a version, singing along with a solo guitar but this powerful version features a band and backing singers. Watch the video and listen to the song here: BREATHE FIRE
We welcome all musicians to take the song and make their own version, in whatever way they see fit, using these lyrics & chords as a starting point. The lyrics are available here: LYRICS
Please contact: [email protected] with any questions.
You’ll be helping over half a million people affected by the disaster. They’ve been fighting for more than 30 years, fighting one of THE great injustices, the world’s worst industrial disaster, which is STILL going on after 3 decades. But, not only will you be helping the survivors, you’ll be helping change the world by ensuring that this kind of disaster can never happen again.
In the words of the song’s writer:
“The hope is to put as many versions of this song online as there are musicians willing to do it…. all different genres, different takes on the same song, all around the planet.”
“Because Bhopal is a problem that actually could be fixed. How many of the terrible things that are happening these days can you say that about?”
“The company execs and politicians who could fix Bhopal – who could clean up the toxic site and water supply, fund proper healthcare and full compensation – haven’t done it, partly because they think no one cares. This is an attempt to shame them into it, through the power of music.”
“So please share – and make music – far and wide. The more far, the more wide, the more chance that one day soon those execs and politicians will be looking over the shoulders of their kids and grand-kids, on YouTube or whatever place they’re sharing stuff, and they’ll suddenly catch their breath. And then go…. ‘Oh CRAP. We have a problem. You know those millions of people we thought didn’t care? Er…. we have a problem.'”
Our thanks go to Matt Henry along with everybody else that helped make this recording, and video, possible.
Matt Henry
Melone M’kenzy
AJ Brinkman
Drums, Percussion:
Luke Garnes
Martyn Kaine
Jonny Martin
AJ Brinkman
Julian Simmons
AJ Brinkman
Camera & Edit:
Milton Boyne
Eleanor Utting
Produced & engineered by:
Julian Simmons at Din Sounds, Cable Street Studios
Mixed by:
Richard Woodcraft & Joel Davis at Strongroom, Shoreditch
Mastered by:
Denis Blackham at Skye Mastering
With Thanks:
Dwayne Robinson