The Bhopal Tragedy: A Case Study in Corporate Impunity @ Public Interest Environmental Law Annual Conference.

Public Interest Environmental Law, Annual Conference. Friday 11 April, 2014, 09:30 – 18:00hrs. Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London WC1Y 8TZ

The world’s corporations are bigger than ever, and their influence in today’s world is unprecedented. In an era where humans can transform nature but are also extremely vulnerable to natural changes, and where anthropogenic climate change is now incontrovertible, intensified human activity is driving us towards ecological disaster. Do we move to rein in corporate power and its environmental impact? Or should we empower corporations to find innovative solutions in our race against time?

Amongst the speakers at the PIEL UK 2014 Conference will be Tim Edwards, managing Trustee of the BMA, who will be speaking on behalf of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal. The theme of his presentation will be : The Bhopal Tragedy: A Case Study in Corporate Impunity. He will be joined by Ms.Elspeth Owens, proposing ‘Litigation as a Tool to Change’, and Dr.Carrie Bradshaw ‘Is CSR’ the solution?’.Flyer

After the keynote speech, by Judge C.G.Weeramantry, the conference continues with a range of topics presented by expert speakers and further detials of the rest of the conference can be found here: Public Interest Environmental Law, Annual Conference




Girl with candle Bhopal

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